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书以载道 叶华洲录中华经典赴美书法艺术展邀请函

来源/作者:网络 |

  展览地点 / Exhibition venue
  美国旧金山 硅谷美术馆
  The Silicon Valley Art Museum, San Francisco, America
  展览时间 / Time
  December 3-December 15, 2017
  开幕时间 / Open ceremony
  2017年12月3日 下午6:00
  At 6:00 PM on December 3, 2017

叶华洲 Ye Huazhou

叶华洲 Ye Huazhou   1965年10月生,江苏金湖人。淮安市文学艺术界联合会驻会副主席,高级美术师,中国书法家协会会员,江苏省青少年书画协会副理事长,淮安市书法家协会副主席。
  书法获全国第十届书法篆刻展全国奖(最高奖),全国第四届正书展提名奖;“岳安杯”国际书法大展奖;“墨舞神州”全国书法电视大赛获奖;江苏省优秀文艺作品奖(最高奖)(江苏省文联) “政府文艺奖”一等奖(淮安市人民政府)。书法先后参加国家级展览三十余次、省级展览四十余次。书法作品被多家博物馆、美术馆及奥运场馆“水立方”等单位收藏。
  Ye Huazhou, male, was born in October 1965 in Jinhu, Jiangsu Province。 He is the vice president of Federation of Literary and Art in Huai’an; Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association; Vice chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Youth Painting and Calligraphy Association; Vice chairman of Calligraphers Association in Huai’an; Senior Artist。
  His calligraphy has won National Award of the Tenth National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting (Top prize); Nomination Award of the Fourth National Book Fair; “Yue An Cup” International Calligraphy Exhibition Award; the prize from “Mo Wu Shen Zhou” National Calligraphy TV Competition; Outstanding Literary and Artistic Works Award of Jiangsu Province (Top prize) (Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art); the First Prize of “Government Art Award”( Huai’an Municipal People‘s Government)。 His calligraphy has participated in national exhibitions for more than thirty times, and the provincial exhibition for more than forty times。 At the same time, his calligraphy has been collected by museums, art galleries and Olympic venues “Water Cube” and other units。
  “The True Realm---Ye Huazhou’s Calligraphy Exhibition” was successfully held in the new museum of Jiangsu Art Museum in 2013, which was reported by more than thirty paper, television and internet media such as “China Art Newspaper”, “Xinhua Daily”, “Yangzi Evening News”, Jiangsu TV Station, “People‘s Daily Online” and “xinhuanet”, “ Sina.com”, “Phoenix”, “China Jiangsu Network”, “Xinmin”, “Jiangsu News Network”, “Calligraphy” Magazine, “Calligraphy Newspaper”, “Calligraphy Herald”, “ Chinese Calligraphy Communication”, “ Chinese Calligrapher” forum, “ Art Commune” forum, “Contemporary Calligraphy ” network and others。 True Realm-Ye Huazhou’s Calligraphy Collection was published by the Jiangsu Art Publishing House。 His many other papers and creative essays were also published in Chinese Calligraphy, Calligraphy Newspaper, Calligraphy Herald and Youth Calligraphy and other newspapers and magazines。
  前 言
  (中国书法家协会分党组书记、驻会副主席 陈洪武)
  Chinese civilization is extensive and profound, which has stretched for more than five thousand years, and it is the treasure of world civilization。 The Chinese nation is full of wisdom in the course of history。 The thoughts such as benevolence, and the whole world as one community, people-oriented, harmony between man and nature, have been subtle in Chinese people‘s behaviors, and also have been concentrated in ancient books and records of ancient Chinese culture。
  Chinese characters are one of the four major sources of characters in the world, which maintains thousands of years of Chinese civilization, and it is also the only character which has been used so far and so active。 The reasons are two: one is that the structure of Chinese characters reflects the philosophy of Chinese people in any places, each point and each row are to reveal the profound implications and connotations; the other one is that the writing of Chinese character is exquisite art--- calligraphy。
  Chinese calligraphy, as an art form, is profound and abstruse, which has unique art creations and aesthetic tastes。 Oracle, bronze, seal, seal, official script, regular script, running script, cursive and others, they are all existed together。 It was great and vigorous in Qin and Han Dynasties, its esteeming Yun in Jin Dynasty, its esteeming Fa in Tang Dynasty, its esteeming Yi in Song Dynasty, and its esteeming Tai in Yuan and Ming Dynasty… all its style has been constantly changing。 The calligraphy and carving in Qin and Han Dynasty, Preface of Orchid Pavilion, The Manuscript to Memory My Nephew, Poetry for Han Shi in Huangzhou… all these classical works have been coming out。 Wang Xizhi, Ouyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Su Shi…The famous men have come forth in large numbers, who had orderly inheritance with many qualified successors。
  Mr。 Ye Huazhou is a contemporary young and effective calligrapher, and one of the winners of the highest award of Chinese Calligraphy。 All his moral characters are good and his achievements are elegant。 His calligraphy is rooted in tradition, his small character is refined and elegant as well as natural and graceful; his big character is stern and vigorous as well as strong and powerful。 The two are mutually beneficial and mutually productive to show the meaning of life。
  Mr。 Ye Huazhou recorded The Chinese Calligraphy Art Exhibition in the United States; all the calligraphy contents are excellent chapters and sentences of Chinese Classics, and the styles of is the calligraphy are diverse and which can simply display the elegant demeanor of Chinese civilization and gain the function of “Sending rites and music to it, spreading the beauty of Chinese civilization, extending its reputation to all over the world” and at the same time, it is a useful attempt to spread Chinese civilization and strengthen exchanges between China and foreign countries。 Wish it can make contributions to build an understanding and friendship bridge between Chinese and American people。
  (The Sub Party Group Secretary of Chinese Calligraphers Association and vice President of the Association Chen Hongwu)
  素心追月 泊然内定
  文 / 言恭达

晋 王羲之兰亭序 材料 粉笺 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚创作时间 2016年

晋 王羲之兰亭序 材料 粉笺 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚创作时间 2016年   六十年代出生的叶华洲成长於歷史文化名城淮安。这座以大运河、里运河、古黄河、盐河四河穿城,洪泽湖、高邮湖、白马湖、金宝湖四湖镶嵌的苏北水乡城市,养育了华洲清灵朴质的心性与人文修为。传统地域文化“背景”带给他以“知止而后定,静安虑得”的哲学思辨,养育他“受人以虚,求是以实,能见其大,独为其难”的处世品行。

中国诗歌 材料 粉笺 小狼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚 尺寸 33cm×33cm×8 创作时间 2017年

中国诗歌 材料 粉笺 小狼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚 尺寸 33cm×33cm×8 创作时间 2017年   从八十年代初徐州求学,到新世纪后进入淮安文联从事文艺工作,多少个寒来暑往,华洲潜心於书艺砚边,沉湎於这块纯净的家园……像一位虔诚的佛教徒,痴迷又执著。从《二爨》、汉简、二王手札、张旭《古诗四帖》、怀素《自叙帖》《藏真帖》到褚遂良《阴符经》、米芾墨蹟三种、黄庭坚《李白忆旧游诗草书卷》、杨凝式《韭花帖》《神仙起居帖》等等,靡不涉猎,成了他天天与古人对话的必修。沉淹书史,勤操毛颖,荡思八荒,游神万古,明心见性,渐入精微。“心手相师势能奇”,求定力,扩眼界,丰胸臆,强功力。华洲深深懂得:惟其静,方听得天籟之声;惟其修,才涵育出色书家。这位天资聪颖、好学覃思、如今在儕辈中已属佼佼的求道者,坚定地开拓了两种不同的书写体系:一种以魏碑为基调的楷书,求其方俊峭拔,雄强劲健;一种以晋唐为主线的行草书,求其清远萧散,奇趣俊朗。华洲说:二十多年来,我游走於碑与帖的两极,刚柔相推而生变化。前年十届国展的广西评审中,华洲获奖行书作品受到评委们的称许。作为评委,我看到了他的作品中所显示的从创作理念到技法演进的高度统一;看到了他博收约取,多面求精的成熟结果;看到了他坚守的传统性向当代性转捩的思维推进……其作品点画圆润飞动,稳健畅达,结字谨严峻险、欹正相间,笔意朴质清逸,佈势瀟丽恣放,可谓风神高雅,笔墨灵妙。这种清和之气直逼意境之营造,其雅逸之风所透析的蓬勃生命力是作者和美心性的底色,是对人生社会清明和畅的追求与嚮往!

唐 李白诗《草书歌行》 草书 材料 净皮 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 180cm×48cm×3 创作时间 2017年

唐 李白诗《草书歌行》 草书 材料 净皮 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 180cm×48cm×3 创作时间 2017年   晋韵为宗,魏势为用,宋意为养,写心为本的时代创意,让华洲的书艺进入了一个新的境界。正如黄山谷所示“学书要需胸中有道义,又广之以圣哲之学,书乃可贵。”寂寞修正果,追古出清新。华洲以坚毅的心志做事,以敬畏的心愫求艺,必然“无须故作惊人笔,写得性灵品自高”。这种将“博学、慎思、审问、篤行”的中国文化渊源看作为人立身之道,必能完成人格的修炼,堂堂正正去做一个有社会人文担当的艺术家。

唐李贺诗一首 材料 粉笺 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 33cm-33cm 创作时间 2014年

唐李贺诗一首 材料 粉笺 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 33cm-33cm 创作时间 2014年
唐诗十家 材料 仿古绢 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 102cm×34cm×10 创作时间 2017年

唐诗十家 材料 仿古绢 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 102cm×34cm×10 创作时间 2017年
明 朱柏庐《朱子家训》 材料 色宣 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸28cm×206cm×5 创作时间 2013年

明 朱柏庐《朱子家训》 材料 色宣 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸28cm×206cm×5 创作时间 2013年
宋词 十家之陆游 材料 仿古绢 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 102 cm×34cm 创作时间 2017年

宋词 十家之陆游 材料 仿古绢 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 102 cm×34cm 创作时间 2017年
宋 苏軾《前赤壁赋》 材料 粉笺 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 126cm×67.5cm 创作时间 2016年

宋 苏軾《前赤壁赋》 材料 粉笺 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚尺寸 126cm×67.5cm 创作时间 2016年
石气诗怀联 材料 净皮 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚 尺寸240cm×35cm×2 2016年

石气诗怀联 材料 净皮 兼毫 玄宗墨 歙砚 尺寸240cm×35cm×2 2016年
儒家五常之礼 六国古文 70cm×70cm 2017年

儒家五常之礼 六国古文 70cm×70cm 2017年

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